Got Questions About Life?

by admin

We have so many questions in life; from everyday questions on ‘Is it going to rain today? Is the haze going to get worse? What am I going to wear today? And then we move on to ‘bigger’ life questions on ‘Why am I here?’ ‘Is this all there is to life? ‘What’s the meaning of life?’

The answers to some of these questions are not immediately apparent. Where and to whom do we turn to, to find answers on the true meaning to life?

Jesus says “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me”

John 14.6

The Alpha course is designed for non-church goers and people seeking for answers to those big life questions mentioned above. The Alpha course is for 11 weeks for those who are seeking to explore and discover the true meaning of life through a series of sessions; Is there God? If there is God, why is there so much suffering? Who is Jesus? Why does He have to die? Does God speak to me? Who is the Holy Spirit? And how can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?’. During each session, the participants will view a video presentation followed by a small group discussion. where they will gain a better understanding of God’s love, and that God does relate to them in their everyday life. 

The Alpha course is not structured to be formal akin to a lecture but informal and providing those attending a safe place where they are comfortable to share and express their views; where they feel totally at home and wanting to come back again. There is this sense of belonging and friendship that is built over the sessions and those attending become more open, having a deeper experience with God and (to some) surrendering their lives to Christ. 

If you are reading and want to find out more about Christianity, I invite you to join the Alpha course.

Or perhaps your husband, wife, son or daughter, parent, colleague, friend are seeking to find meaning in life; invite them to join the Alpha course. Come! Even if you have doubts about completing the whole session and you are not sure if this is the course for you, put your doubts to rest and just come for the first three sessions and discover for yourself.

We will be running the next an Alpha in second half of 2023….. 
Click here to register now and we will keep you posted on the next Alpha!

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